We don't deserve dogs

What can we do to protect human's best friend?

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smiling dogs

Why Dogs?

Human's Best Friend Needs Us

The dog is a domesticated descendant of the wolf. Dogs were domesticated over 15,000 years ago. The dog has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. They perform many roles for humans and due to their influence on human society, they have earned the title of "man's best friend."

Whilst many dogs live happy lives, full of the love and care they deserve, some are not so lucky and they experience neglect and abuse at the hands of humans. I have put together this site to bring attention to this, and provide links to charities or other organisations that help protect and rescue dogs from often terrible situations. Please explore to find out how you can make a difference.


Some Organisations Helping Dogs

What do they do?

The RSPCA helps dogs (as well as other animals). They "rely on your support to... push for changes in the law to improve the welfare of animals on farms, in labs, in the wild, in paddocks or our homes."

How can you help?

There are loads of ways to help, including making a donation, sponsoring a dog, volunteering or campaigning on behalf of the RSPCA.

What do they do?

"The Pack Project's mission is to find homes in the UK for stray and abandoned dogs and cats from Romania and to reduce the stray population in Romania through neutering programmes."

How can you help?

You can make a financial donation, or do something truly incredible and adopt a dog! Why not also share the Pack Project's appeals on social media to help them reach a wider audience.

What do they do?

"When a dog is in distress, we care for them. When a dog needs a home, we find them a loving family. When an owner needs a helping hand (or paw) – or they just can’t cope, we’re ready to step in."

How can you help?

You can make a financial donation, fundraise, sponsor a dog, or volunteer. There are loads of ways to help!


Photos from other organisations working with dogs